You can pre-order the calendar here! If you want one for sure, please order by the 26th of November, because that’s when I’ll be sending them off to the printer!

Thank you everyone that ordered so far! I already sold more than previous years, before the art was completely finished, too!

I need to be quick because I gotta go hike 9 miles with my brother! I’m not sure if there will be a new page this week because there’s a lot going on, and also I want to make new products for my Etsy shop that I can order on Black Friday.

Here we have:

Nathan on Thoroughbred, Ignazio

Ruya with her Appaloosa, Porosha (Thank you patrons for the naming help!)

Apen on his Friesian, Ferrar

Berlyne on her Morgan Horse, Niagara

Velvare on APEN’S Arabian, Ansam

Enel on his Percheron, Snowflakes

Which one is your favorite?