My Ebay account is here. There are some Buy-it-now listings already up. These ones have free shipping!


The time at my current location is nearing a close. Soon I will pack up and set out to find where I want to eventually buy property and settle down. I want to downsize as much as I possibly can before moving, and I also want to raise funds to offset commission work I may not be able to do while I’m in limbo, so I’m going to have a online yard sale! I’ll be hosting auctions on Ebay starting July 5th! It will go through the month of July, just to give me time to list everything. There will be book-related stuff, TSE things, KotLC things, and a bunch of random stuff I come across as I’m sorting.

One of the big items is my beloved 1950s Zenith radio, the real-life inspiration for the Ayran radio.

Also, I’ll probably be selling my huge printer, so if you would like a signed map of Elladess, The time is now! I’m not sure if I’ll be able to continue offering those in the future.

This week I am making an exception to the comment guidelines about things being TSE-related, because I know I want to live in a mountainous region of the Western USA, but CA ain’t it. I love Colfax and the stunning Sierra Nevada scenery, but the state itself feels like living on a sinking ship, so it would take a very significant reason to keep me here permanently. If you have a pretty mountainous area you would recommend, then I’d love to hear about it! I’d especially love to hear about Idaho, because that’s kind of where I’m feeling called, even though everyone seems to be moving there.