Edit: Page will go up mid Saturday, sorry, it has been a bad diabetes week.

I gotta run and do Good Friday things but here is flat colored page for now! Happy Good Friday and happy early Easter!

Patreon supporters got to see a bit of the next page a few years ago and have been wondering about the context for it (I’ll link it in the Patreon post). Now you know!

Shout-out to That One Weaver who posted this on the 2024 fanart page about a week ago. I said it was accurate and I really meant it! Especially Noah’s expression. Spot on!
My birthday is coming up on the 9th of April. I’ve had a handful of unexpected expenses recently and if you would like to help out…

Financially, you can:

For free, you can recommend The Silver Eye to anyone you think would enjoy it! Also you can do the internet things that help me be seen in the algorithms such as follow, comment, like, and share posts on various social media: