Apen didn’t even mean to make a bacon bouquet, he was just holding it in a clean handkerchief because that’s sanitary.

I noticed that Disqus has the option to link to comment policies above the comment section so I turned that on and also updated the policy. Please have a look at it and take it to heart.

The biggest change is the guideline that comments should relate to The Silver Eye. I don’t want to have to make it an absolute rule so please be mindful about off-topic comments.

We have begun a stinkbug count and it is currently at 18. Evidence suggests that stinkbugs are not the only pests sharing this cabin with us. Some small creature sampled my hot chocolate packets, and I have a feeling it was not Apen. (On the plus side, I still have 6 canisters of varying hot chocolates, on the minus side, the packets were fancy fancy and so about $4 of hot chocolate went goodbye due to this creature’s expensive tastes)

Thanks to my dad for making bacon that I could use as reference for this page and thanks to my mom for doing a drawing of a baby! I went with the other baby drawing I did with my foot, because it looks more like it’s from someone struggling with motor skills, and it was made by Noah while he was heavily under Syllor’s Curse.

I’m going to do a short, stand alone, dialog-free, The Silver Eye comic during May. It’s one I’ve wanted to make for a long time. Next week I’ll post the cover of that.