Alright fam, here’s the plan. I am posting this page same as the last one and now I’m going to color them at the same time so it goes faster.
This was an interesting time to be traveling internationally, but I am back in the states! I currently have the superpower of waking up at 4:30 am. Now just to move from VA to CA later in the month. I’m sorry things have been irregular here. Things don’t show signs of letting up anytime soon, so bear with me.
I am blown away with all the beautiful art that was sent in for the art contest! Thank you so much everyone who entered! Here are the entries, you can hover over the art to see the artist (I wish I could have it just show the names, but that is just how the plugin is). Winners below!
Contest Entries
First Place: by Gondorcallsforaid24 (Chat) / Whispersart (Tumblr)
Second Place: by Hannah S.J. Williams
Third Place: by Buena Also Third Place:
by Bria
(I loved both of these and I was amused with how the sisters are switched)
Congratulations! I will email the winners and get back to working on the pages.