
This commission from five years ago was for this scene. Originally Berlyne was going to doze off on Apen’s shoulder and then start awake.
It’s okay, no need to panic. They still have Enel, after all.
I plugged Doug TenNapel’s YouTube a few weeks ago but I just gotta plug him again. The IndieGoGo for an Earthworm Jim graphic novel just launched! It was awesome watching it launch live. It was fully funded in 5 minutes. I was backer #3, which I am very proud of.
A lot of people are Earthworm Jim fans because it was this groundbreaking classic video game and it’s a part of their childhood. Doug was my age when he created Earthworm Jim, and he had to sign away the character rights for the game to even be made. For the past 25 years he’s wanted to tell more stories with this character and had fans begging him to, but he couldn’t because of the copyright troubles.
I’m excited for it because Doug TenNapel is an excellent storyteller and comic creator. But even more than that, I am just so happy that after decades of waiting, a creator has the opportunity to work with their own character again. That in and of itself is a very satisfying story.
Following Doug’s streams has been inspiring. That guy’s coming up to having 20 graphic novels under his belt! He’s aiming to do one every six months and I’m like, I need to finish something, dang it! So I’ve been working on revising Chapter 1. I have a 5 page intro thumbnailed that’s a solid beginning.
I put up another Reading The Silver Eye With My Sister: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3. From those, you can kind of get an idea of how many things I want to fix. I know a bunch of people are wanting a printed comic and I keep saying things like, “Maybe next year… Maybe next year…” The thing is, I want a physical book of The Silver Eye that I can open and flip through without groaning and whispering “I hate this” under my breath about the old art, like in the videos. I want it all to be like those chapters from 2-3 that I reworked. It doesn’t need it to be perfect, but I want to be able to read it myself and be able to get invested in the story instead of being distracted from old stuff. There’s just a lot of work ahead of me before it gets there.
Lastly, sister’s book, The Eleventh Trade, won a 2018 South Asia Book Award!