After 400+ pages of being conditioned to Enel’s goofiness with his goofy face, can anyone even take Nathan seriously?
I sketched the second two panels of this page while on a plane and as I went to start coloring Ae— I mean, that one guard’s coat, the red marker exploded and made artsy drops on the page that I decided to leave as-is.
I finished the last Pevensie portrait, or grown up Lucy. It’s up on Patreon. I ordered sets of postcards them all for Etsy and I’ll spread around all the art once those arrive cause that seems like good business sense.
I just looked up that little spiral staircase that I got for $8 and I found out it’s a replica of a model Michelangelo did for St. Peter’s Basilica, which makes it even more amazing, and also they usually go for $170. I feel like I’ve won the Antiques Roadshow! (Does anyone remember that?)
I looked up Delaney’s character sheet to double check which leg was missing and then I drew the line art for that panel and then I realized the page had been mirrored horizontally while I was drawing. So now I am declaring her left leg as the one that is missing. (I don’t think which leg it is really affects anything else, but I need to start being consistent now)