This is why you always wear the mitten!

This week I’ve been posting a lot of progress on Patreon for the 2019 calendar (for the Behind the Scenes and Spoiler levels). In the art series for it, there are two pieces that are so spoilery that they’ll be exclusive to spoiler patrons and those who get the calendar.

One is a portrait of a character with a weapon placed threateningly against their cheek, and the mood is rather grim and angsty (Like a tad angstier than this Melete I have finished). I love the art, it’s one of my favorite concepts in this series, and it’s perfect for the character and part of the series it applies to, BUT calendars are usually pretty mild, cause people want to hang that stuff on their wall, ya know? Based on what you know, do you think it best for me to come up with another concept or stick to the one I have?


And in other news, yesterday we had a piano guy come over and fix our family piano! It’s an upright player piano from 1914 that at some point was converted to being a non-player piano (Why would you do that? player pianos are so cool! >:| ). It was awesome to watch him fix it! He took that thing apart like it was made out of Legos. When he was done, he played some songs on it for us and I managed to record the last bit. It sounds so good! I love it when old things are conserved and this makes me very happy. (This was also the same piano Alyssa convinced me to jump off of when I was little, which led to a painful ankle injury while growing up. Illustrated here.)

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