Vote for your favorite entries from the T-Shirt Design Concept Contest! Below are the entries for you to view as well as the poll. You can pick 3 entries!

Remember that I will be finishing/redrawing the concept to put on Redbubble, so try to focus on the concepts’ potential rather than just how polished the art is now. When voting is over I’ll list the entries with the readers who made them, but for now they’re unlabeled and randomized.

Elsabet won with the entry A!

Credit for the entries is as follows:
Elsabet = A
Hannah = C, N,
Emily = I, M,
Emily P = D, O,
Morgan = B, F, Q, S,
Gondorcallsforaid24 = J
Julia = E, G, K, L, P,
Spicegirl = H, R,

N. D. Wilson successfully had his brain surgery this week. He is recovering, but I hear it went well. I made this fanart of his character, Glory, from Outlaws of Time to show support.