Reminder about the T-Shirt contest! Info is on the previous page.
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, everyone! I am blessed to have such wonderful readers!
Imagine if you will, a short Velvare AU. It goes like this…
Doctor: You can drive short distances, but you need to rest.
Velvare: Sure thing. *Goes to work, mows the lawn, drives across the state, attends a ceremony, has chest pains for a day but doesn’t do anything about it until after the ceremony, zooms off to the ER again*
Oh wait, that wasn’t Velvare, that was my uncle, and I don’t know what we’re going do with him. My mom was also in the ER this week and she’ll have a kidney procedure in a few days. There’s just fun medical developments all around!
…Which brings me to N. D. Wilson. I’ve mentioned him and his books a couple of times. He’s among my favorite current-day authors! He and his family are facing their own trying medical time, which you can watch about here or read about here.
One result of this is that he won’t be able to promote his latest book – which released this week – as much as planned, and so I want to take it upon myself to help promote his books! Both because it will help his family financially, but also because I have a mighty need to see the fandoms for these series grow.
Here are my recommendations in a nutshell! If you like The Chronicles of Narnia, I recommend 100 Cupboards. If you like Indiana Jones, Treasure Island, and/or Percy Jackson, I recommend Ashtown Burials. If you like Holes, time travel, and the old west, I recommend Outlaws of Time.
He also has wonderful stand alone books like Death by Living and Leepike Ridge!

Some of my Ashtown Burials and Outlaws of Time fanart