First things first, please comment and let me know if you would like to buy The Silver Eye calendar for 2017! They will be $20 (via Paypal) and shall come with a pencil sketch TSE character of your choosing. The art in it will be something like this, but I still need to make an Apen art and the spoiler art is gonna be for calendar people only. Anyway, I’ll be ordering them this week and I just need to know how many people are (seriously) interested so that I know how many to get.
Everyone should also say “Congratulations, Alyssa!” cause the thing, the thing that happens with the books is happening! And you know, with the nature of the thing, I can’t go into specifics, but it is very big and exciting.
It may be difficult, but I will try my best to update next week!
I got this YCH commission of Enel because it was perfection!