I hope this makes up for the earring idea.
St. Claires havin’ a rough time lately, so I finished this drawing of them from Volume 2. Also still making a Q&A comic for every day in October.
Notice: If you are seeing ads on this site it’s because Disqus, the comment platform, put them there suddenly. I don’t have time currently to find a solution, so for now just know that 1) I disavow whatever it’s advertising, 2) Disqus has been a trash-tier service and I don’t recommend anyone use it for their website, 3) You can get an add blocker for your browser to hide them in the meantime.
I hope this makes up for the earring idea.
St. Claires havin’ a rough time lately, so I finished this drawing of them from Volume 2. Also still making a Q&A comic for every day in October.
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