
My nieces also did some archery. Look how cute this picture is and let it distract you from Enel’s sadface.
Oh noes! Another uplifting update.
So this week I made an Apen reference sheet. I really like how it turned out and I can’t wait to do more! Enel is up next and instead of aging faces I am drawing his different expressions. You can vote TWC to see a preview of it!
I also got a new fanart of Velvare this week!
Then I spent half a day coding a gallery for the fanarts with Javascript/JQuery only to find WordPress doesn’t like JQuery and so I spent the other half of the day trying to work around that… But I still can’t figure out why it won’t work. All the custom coding on this site is made with internet tutorials and the internets haven’t helped me this time so I’ll have to research it.
All my family has arrived for the holidays! We went out archering on Thursday and my oldest brother hit one of my arrows with his arrow which snapped it in two. I don’t think that’s happened in all my years of archery, so it was pretty cool, but I do think he owes me an arrow and three crossbow bolts (that he shot into the distance and lost) and a crossbow (that he broke).
And I graduated college which is pretty cool I guess.