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I had a very nice trip, though the journey consisted of about 24 hours in the car. We went up there to help a Chinese pastor move and got to make a last feast of dumplings before parting ways. I got to hike about 18 miles with my little bro and see a lot of beautiful scenery and waterfalls. If you ever find yourself in Portland, I would recommend a visit to The Grotto. I saw it on AllTrails while we were looking to kill some time and it was my favorite part of the city which felt like being inside a giant dumpster. It is a gem that feels like an ancient garden you might find in Europe. It has cool landscapes and sculptures and architecture and so many things I love.

Speaking of things that I love, I am rather excited that the wreck of the Endurance was found this week. In honor of it being found, I would like to recommend The Endurance by Adam Young (Owl City). It is a very atmospheric soundtrack that is great for drawing and writing. On Audible, South by Ernest Shackleton and Endurance by Alfred Lansing are included in the plus membership. I am halfway through South. The dogs didn’t fair well. I knew it was coming but I am still bummed. The thing I appreciate most about this tale is how these men are in the world’s cruelest environments yet maintain such good attitudes.