This page suggests anyone could hand Enel anything and tell him to hold it to his face and he’d do it without question.
I am feeling almost back to normal! I have a ton of commission work to catch up on, though.
Notice: If you are seeing ads on this site it’s because Disqus, the comment platform, put them there suddenly. I don’t have time currently to find a solution, so for now just know that 1) I disavow whatever it’s advertising, 2) Disqus has been a trash-tier service and I don’t recommend anyone use it for their website, 3) You can get an add blocker for your browser to hide them in the meantime.
This page suggests anyone could hand Enel anything and tell him to hold it to his face and he’d do it without question.
I am feeling almost back to normal! I have a ton of commission work to catch up on, though.
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