I hiked down to count the trees on my waterfall trail. There are 50 large limbs/trees across it from the last snowstorm. I took a tape measure to the biggest tree: the crater left by its roots is 20 feet across, the circumference of its trunk is 12 feet, and it is 125 feet long (with about 25 more feet from the top broken off. I don’t know what to do with this information but it took a lot of precarious scrambling to get it so I want to record it somewhere.
All of my 2022 so far has been isolating because another member of the household had covid. It was a fairly mild case compared to some. Everyone’s PCR tests came back negative in the past couple days, which is relieving. I’m looking forward to things going back to normal, though it was nice having a bit of quality introvert recharging time.