Update 6/10/21: Page 20×38 is up early on Patreon, and the finished redrawn page 1×02 has been posted there, and a new Complete list of country names, and Spoiler patrons got a drawing of Aperlyne from 2009, plus a drawing of kid Delaney, Ezra, and Nathan!
The birthday markers have been assembled! The marker-senders names have been thrown into a hat to see who shall win the original art! The name picked from the hat was…

Reader Lynna!
(I will shoot you an email, if you don’t see it, you can shoot me an email)
This is the last week of the Lord of the Rings – Fellowship of the Ring reading! Thank you commenters who have kept the discussion going while I have fallen behind. I finished the book during my travels but need to catch up to comment land. I’ll get a page set up for the Two Towers. How abouts we plan on starting it on the 18th, so that if people are a bit behind on reading FotR, they have a little buffer to help them catch up.
Good news(?), I have finally had an appointment with a diabetes doctor here in CA (I have been trying to be seen since last year). Hopefully that means I will get more supplies soon, but it has been such a messy hassle that I am not holding my breath.