Edit 4/29/21: I am traveling. The next page is in the shading stage, it should be up sometime late Friday/early Saturday.

The birthday gift Google doc has been updated and there are new cool presents on there! I want to send a sticker to people who sent markers, but some of the packages came directly from online shops. If your initials are green on the document, you’re good! (Unless you want me to use an address different than what was on the marker package, if so, you’re welcome to reach out to me). If your initials are magenta or red and you would like a sticker, then you can email me your address at Drawingsworth@gmail.com (This includes those not in the USA)

I want to ask comment land, who here thinks they have been reading the comic the longest? What chapter/page did you come in on? other than my direct family

I feel like recommending That Story Show, because it’s what I have been listening to recently. It is a comedy podcast that shares funny real life stories. It’s aimed at 10+ ages and is certainly clean by comedy-world standards, but maybe not necessarily clean by Sunday School standards, and there’s a bit more body humor than I care for but the other stories make it worth it. The main host also has a podcast called The Red Schoolbus which he does with his kids, and it’s the same concept except it’s geared to be family friendly for all ages.

I got up at 4am to work on getting this page done. Now I am picking up my parents from a airport and then we will journey to my little brother and help him move to another state. Then me and my mom are going to bounce around CA visiting various family. I don’t know how that might impact page updates, but I will bring my Surface to work on!