
LotR reading continues with Chapter 14! I am behind because of commissions and wanting to draw Tom Bombadil before getting too far from his part in the story!
EDIT 4/1/2021: Ok here is the thing, there have been more power outages this week, much of my time has been spent hassling with trying to get medical supplies, and I am super behind on commissions. With everything going on, I am really not sure when the next page will be posted, so I might need a little hiatus. You guys have been so sweet with your support and birthday-wishes, and I wanted to thank you in some way. I don’t want to break at such a suspenseful spot, so in the comments I am putting up the script for the next sequence of the story, if anyone would like to read it before the pages come out.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
(This is just copy-pasted) My birthday is coming up on April 9th, and there’s this idea that I’ve been wanting to do. It goes like this: Participants each send a marker to my PO box, then I have to make a masterpiece using only the marker colors provided, then one participant gets picked at random to win the original artwork I create. I know what you’re thinking, “Laura, this is just a way for you to get more markers.” and that is true, that is why I wanted to time it around my birthday. It is a good excuse.
Markers should be: 1) New 2) Alcohol based.
My PO box is (It can also be found on the ‘About’ page:
Laura Hollingsworth
PO Box 204
Colfax, CA 95713
The brand doesn’t matter, but if I were to rank markers, Top Tier: Copic, Specrum Nior, Prismacolor, Windsor & Newton. Medium Tier: Master’s Touch, Artist’s Loft, those cheap sets on Amazon that always have different brand names but are basically the same markers. Trash Tier: Blick Studio